The Wiggle Room

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Don’t miss the recent Redfin article I was featured in: “Spark Creativity in Your Home! 21 Inspiring Kids Playroom Decor Ideas”

Imagination and kids go hand-in-hand. And when it’s playtime, a kids playroom should be filled with toys that spark their imagination and creativity. Maybe it’s a kitchen playset for a child that loves the idea of being a chef or a table for all sorts of arts and crafts, the options are endless. Whether you’re living in Vancouver, CA or in Charlotte, NC incorporating any of these inspiring kids’ playroom decor ideas will make your home a more imaginative place for you and your child. 

To help you get started, I, along with other experts shared our best design advice to create an awesome kids playroom that sparks creativity. Check out what we had to say so you can start decorating today!

Spark Creativity in Your Home! 21 Inspiring Kids Playroom Decor Ideas